Eddie sacrificed his life to rid the timeline of his eventual great-grand something Eobard Thawne, which was all kinda Barry's fault in the first place. Maybe he would, a la my Wally theory, as an insane revenge act (In this case: "you took her from me, I take her from you"). He has a lot to be pissed at Barry about, but I still don't know that he would kill Iris. Wally also spent some time in that cocoon concocted by Savitar early in the season which gave him his powers - remember how Savitar said he created himself? I'm still on board with this idea, though admittedly not as strongly as I was a few weeks ago. What could have shaken him up that much? To see himself in such a twisted form? While some guesses include Savitar being Ronnie Raymond (more on that below), he and Wally never interacted before, which weakens that theory just a little bit for me.Īlso, there's just something a little karmic about Wally being sidelined all season, especially since becoming Kid Flash, and then coming back to turn the tables on everyone in an epic revenge move. Plus, in 2024, Barry finds Wally catatonic after an encounter with Savitar. Yes, I know: why would he kill his sister? Well, it's been established that Savitar has been driven insane by his time trapped in the Speed Force, and we've seen Wally trapped there, too. While I think this is definitely less likely now, especially given Killer Frost's reaction to the reveal, there are still some reasons why it could be Wally. At the bottom, you can vote for your pick in our poll, and then come back to receive your gloating rights next week.Ī few weeks ago I had really convinced myself that Savitar could be Wally West. So below is where we stand now, with a few thoughts on the likelihood of each. This is someone she not only knows, but trusts completely, which narrows the field down considerably. She was surprised, but also immediately on board, if not somewhat reverential. "The Once and Future Flash" gave us perhaps our most important clue, however, with Caitlin / Killer Frost's reaction to seeing Savitar revealed. And yet, with only a handful of episodes left this season, it feels like one that will be resolved far too quickly, especially since we've been stuck on the question for the better part of a year.

It's probably a member, past or present, of Team Flash. But when it comes to Savitar, I think we can presume it's not a doppleganger or a new cast member (as we already, long ago, had the mini-reveal of Julian as Alchemy). In The Flash's second season, the late reveal of The Man in the Iron Mask worked because Lord knows there were enough Jay Garricks and dopplegangers running around (literally) to keep up with in the first place (and it was arguably more interesting even than the reveal of Zoom, who had enough of a comic basis to guess his origin). Yes it messed greatly with Oliver's head, but he still wasn't able to stop Prometheus, and Prometheus' game with Oliver had only just begun.

When that show's masked villain Prometheus was revealed, it was someone we knew, but the unmasking didn't really matter. I likely wouldn't have as much of an issue with this late-season reveal if we hadn't just seen Arrow do it differently and so much better.

But, The Flash loves ramping up emotions with these masked-man reveals, so it pretty clear now that Savitar will be someone we already know - but who? Prior to that, I think we all had pretty much assumed Savitar was just Savitar, a CG (now, mercifully mostly practical) Decepticon-looking "God of Speed". What's worse, in a way, is that we didn't know Savitar was even someone to be revealed until halfway through the season, when Barry tried to rip his head off. At last, it seems like Savitar's identity will be revealed in the next Flash episode, "I Know Who You Are." This is a very good thing, because the question of Savitar's identity has both overshadowed and bogged down a season that has been enslaved to this question.